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What companies do you want to meet at Utnarm? What events would you like to attend? We want to know!

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What is Utnarm?

Utnarm is Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students' annual career fair, held on Thursday week 45 every year.

During an intense day, the students get the opportunity to meet with companies and organizations from multiple business areas and industries. It's a great platform for students and industry to meet and discuss future thesis, summer jobs, values and employment.

At Utnarm, SciTech's students get the opportunity to find inspiration, motivation and valuable contacts for the future. The fair is early in November and is preceded by two weeks filled with exciting events to prepare students on what is expected of them when they have graduated.

The fair is usually attended more than 100 exhibiting companies and organizations who are there to meet some of the 10 000 interesting students we are representing.

Utnarm 2022 starts in

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