Event on Fair Day

Data & software driven transports - Do you want to drive real change?

The transport industry is taking big steps into the areas of Automation, Connectivity and E mobility. We will let you know more about how Scania is taking part in this technology shift and how Data and software is a crucial part of making sustainable transport solutions possible.

Philip studied Engineering Physics (F) at Uppsala University and joined Scania through his master thesis followed by the trainee program and works today in a team within connected services for Autonomous Transport Systems. Farangis also studied at Uppsala University within the Sociotechnical Systems Engineering, today part of the trainee program and works within Electrification.

In our Virtual panel session, we will discuss topics like:

  • Challenges within Autonomous and Electrified transports.
  • A normal day at work.
  • Reflections regarding the step from being a student to start your career.

Looking forward to see you joining us in this Session and challenge us with your questions! When: 12.15, at UTNARM on the 11th of November.

In the Scania Panel:

Philip Ahl, Software Developer at Intelligent Transport Systems

Farangis Hakimi, Business Developer at Charging Solutions

The presentation will be held in English. Read more about Opportunities at Scania: https://www.scania.com/career

Did you know?

Autonomous Trucks are already operating on public roads between Södertälje and Jönköping! Check out this video to get more insight:

Panel Discussion - Sustainability

We have invited Tyréns and Ramboll to a panel discussion about sustainability on the fairday, the eleventh of November. At 11 am, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with these companies/organisation and hear what their thoughts are on sustainability and the future.

Tyréns is one of Sweden’s leading community development consultancies. Together with our customers and partners, we create sustainable solutions in the fields of urban development and infrastructure. Owned by a private foundation, Tyréns is committed to research and development. We are driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to create better communities.

Responsible business conduct and sustainable practices have been part of Ramboll’s DNA since the company’s inception. Today these principles are an integral part of Our Mission and services and are formalised through our systematic work with the UN sustainable development goals.We have also committed to ambitious targets to maximise our own sustainability performance and set the industry benchmark.

Naturskyddsföreningen is Sweden's largest environmental organisation with power to make a difference. They will participate in our panel and talk about how they work towards a better future.

Panel Discussion - Work Culture

We have invited Cygni and Sigma to a panel discussion about work culture on the fairday, the eleventh of November. At 1 pm, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with these companies and hear what their thoughts are on how it is to be a part of their workplace and what they do to create the best work environment.

Cygni, part of Accenture, is a consulting firm which multiple times has received the award of “Sveriges Bästa Arbetsplats”. We had a clear vision already during the beginning of Cygni’s establishment that we wanted to be the best employer for talented and ambitious IT consultants.

A consultant firm can either specify in a certain business or in an area of expertise. We choose the latter; we can contribute to the development of our customers’ digital systems regardless of industry.

Sigma is a leading consulting group with the objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means is technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. We make a difference through our participation and dedication. We are characterized by our care for each other, our customers, and for the surrounding world. Together we shape the future for our company and together we make a contribution to our society.