About Us

The people behind Utnarm 2021

My name is Felix Kåhsström and I am the Project manager at Utnarm.

As Project manager, I plan the project from the ground up, starting a year before the event. I am also legally and economically responsible for the event. One of the most important and fun aspects of the job is to appoint and lead the committee! The project is only as good as its team and this year we have a great one!

I study my last year in the master program in engineering physics. As I work with Utnarm full time and it is my second year, I have had a long break from my studies.

I applied because I saw it as a fantastic opportunity to try out project management in a forgiving environment and to practice leading people. I have also visited Utnarm every year since I started studying and have always thought it is an amazing project!

[email protected]

My name is Moa and I have a position called convenor. In this position I am in charge of the sustainability work of Utnarm. I am also in charge of the committee meetings with the project manager as well as the internal communication and team building.

I study the 3rd/4th year in the environmental and water engineering program. My studies are one of the reasons I wanted to work with Utnarm. I thought it would be fun to apply my knowledge from my program while learning more about environmental work. Outside of school I play elite-level american football and really enjoy working in large teams. I know the challenges with communication and thought I would like to develop those skills as well.

You can reach me at [email protected]

My name is Anastasia and I am the Group Leader for the Corporate Relations Group.

Together with the management team we lay the guidelines for the committee. I also hold meetings and manage the Corporate Relations Group. I try to be the glue between the members when it comes to company contact.

I study the Master Programme in Environmental and Water Engineering (also known as “W”).

I applied because I wanted to work on being a good leader as well as getting some company contacts which I believe will be useful for when I graduate.

[email protected]

I am Katja and I have the position as group leader of the Fair group. As group leader of the Fair group, I have all the groups meetings and help with structuring/coordinating the groups work. I am also a part of the management team!

I’m currently studying no one knows what year or what programme but I’m mainly studying chemistry.

Last year I was a group coordinator at Utnarm which was really fun and that was one of the reasons why I applied to Utnarm this year! I thought it would be even more fun to be more involved in the project during a longer period of time. I also wanted to gain experience from working with bigger projects and working together with large groups of people!

[email protected]

My name is Alma and I am the Group leader for the marketing group! As a group leader I am responsible for making sure that the marketing group gets the support they need in their tasks and I am also part of the Management team. I lead the Marketing group meetings every week and have an overall responsibility for the marketing of Utnarm!
I am studying my fourth year in the biotechnology engineering program, where I’m now doing my masters in bioinformatics!
I applied to Utnarm because it is such a big project that involves both many students and companies, and I wanted to gain the experience of working with a project that influences so many people!

[email protected]

My name is Prajakta Dengale.

I am the head of Virtual Event.

In my position, I’m responsible for the virtual event, which means I look after the digital platform on which we have the career fair. I am also the bridge between students, companies and our digital platform provider. My goal is to ensure a successful virtual event by arranging guidance for companies & students regarding the platform, making sure participants get similar if not more exposure as they would in a physical fair and handling all communication for the same.

I am currently studying my Master’s in Industrial Management & Innovation.

Ever since I moved to Uppsala, I was looking for ways to get involved with a student organization and expand my network. When the positions for Utnarm opened, I was very excited to apply. I see this as an opportunity to work and network with different students and make friends!

[email protected]

My name is Prerana Bharadwaj, I am the Head of Sponsor for Utnarm 2021.
I am part of the corporate relations group, and my main roles are arranging goodie bags, execution of competition, and investigating opportunities for sponsored profile products and sponsorship in general.
I study my master’s in industrial management and Innovation.

I applied to Utnarm as my friends suggested it to me since they had a lot of fun and will also help me gain useful organisational skills which will be helpful for my future!

[email protected]

My Name is Hanna Åkermark and I am the second ‘Head of Enterprise’ at Utnarm 2021.

The Head of Enterprise is the person who is in charge of the contact with the companies, the emailing and the phone calling. As the Head of Enterprise you coordinate the registration of the companies (along with IT-admin) from initial- to final registration.

I was appointed a few weeks after the work had already begun so this spring has mainly been about catching up.

I study STS while also trying to finish up my bachelor in construction engineering.

To make a difference is the main reason I applied to Utnarm. I like to connect people with one another, and I wanted to be a part of creating a link between university life and the business community. Not just for myself but also for everyone else visiting Utnarm - especially the science students.

[email protected]

My name is Johanna Louise Nilsson and I am the Head of Logistics.

As head of logistics, I am mainly responsible for the security of

the event, transportation, the stream of the opening ceremony and webinar,

cleaning and logistics such as planning and booking facilities, applications

and the goods reception.

I am currently studying the bachelor’s Program In Construction Engineering

I have been in other, smaller committees before joining Utnarm, and after those I felt like I wanted to challenge myself with a larger committee.

To be able go behind the scenes of such an important event as Utnarm felt

like it could be both educational and fun (and, of course, getting to know new


[email protected]

I am Aditya Shivaji Shirke. I am the IT-Admin for Utnarm 2021.

As IT-Admin, I am mainly responsible for Companies and Student Registrations for one of Sweden's largest virtual career fairs (meaning Utnarm). I'm also responsible for everything related to the website. My target is to reach every one of you and invite you to join us at this grand virtual career fair and upload up to date information on the website. I will collaborate with committee members to have an easy registration form for you, I promise.

I am studying the master's program in computer science. I have some technical experience which helps me in an IT-Admin position.

Utnarm is a great place to have fun with some talented people from different fields of studies. Utnarm lets you connect, collaborate with the committee members and also develop your soft skills along the way.

Feel free to contact me at: [email protected]

Hello there!
My name is Louise Blomberg, and I am the head of PR at Utnarm 2021!

As head of PR I am responsible for all the information published on our social medias, LinkedIn and the website. It is my work you see when new posts are published, and it is also I who answer all your comments. I make sure that all the information is easily accessible, easy to understand and that you (the students) are satisfied with our work and content on social media and the website.

I´m currently studying my second year at the bachelor’s program in molecular biology here in Uppsala. It´s a lot of fun and I love every second of it!

I applied to Utnarm since I missed being engaged in student activities and wanted more friends outside my area of study. It is one of the best things I have ever done and thanks to Utnarm I have gotten more involved in the student activities and the union (UTN).

Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

My name is Matilda Björnsdotter and I am the Art Director for Utnarm 2021! I am part of the marketing group and responsible for the graphical uniformity. This includes planning, creating and editing photo, film, and all graphic material connected to Utnarm, both printed and digital. I am a Human-Computer Interaction master’s student, and my interest in Graphic Design and Art Direction is what made me apply for this role in Utnarm combined with the possibility to get to know new people and gain experience.

[email protected]

My name is Ellienore Segervall and I am the Head of Lounge and Banquet.

Like my title says I am in charge of the Banquet and Lounge. I oversee everything surrounding the Banquet and Lounge. I make sure everything works and is booked. I am also in charge of the Lounge and Banquet coordinators. I set the menu, book the entertainment, make sure that everyone is invited, book venues and I also make the timetable for the Banquet. I also plan the lounge and what it´s supposed to look like, contact the sponsors, help the GKs with the fika planning and make sure everything runs smoothly.

I am currently studying my bachelor’s in construction engineering.

I applied to Utnarm because I think Utnarm is an important event, and it helps students to get connected with companies. It is also fun to get to know new people.

[email protected]

My name is Sarah Götze and I am studying my 4th year of the Master's Program in Molecular Biotechnology Engineering and I have the position of Head of HR and Recruitment.

My responsibilities as Head of HR are to appoint, educate and manage the group coordinators and personnel. I applied to Utnarm because I saw it as an opportunity to meet new people and be a part of something meaningful, and of course have a lot of fun and try something I have never done before.

[email protected]

My name is Stina and I am one of the Event managers of Utnarm 2021. I plan and schedule the two Event weeks prior to the fair day. Together we, event managers, are responsible for the opening ceremony, company hosted events, research day, contact talks and the master thesis magazine. Our goal is to create safe and interesting events for every student at TekNat.

As of now I am in my second year of Engineering Physics. I applied to the Utnarm committee because I wanted to be part of a big project and learn how to plan for events.
Because of Covid-19 we have had to plan for all scenarios which is challenging but very rewarding. Also I get to contact and talk to the companies which has been fun!

[email protected]

My name is Sneha I am the second event manager at Utnarm. We get to arrange events for the event weeks that includes breakfast, lunch and evening events and are responsible for contact talks during the fair day. We get to work on thesis magazine and organize research day events as well. I am responsible for research day activities and it is exciting to plan events from start.

I am currently studying M.Sc in Applied Biotechnology.

I applied to Utnarm to make new friends, improve my communication skills, to manage studies along with utnarm activities and experience Swedish culture.

[email protected]